The winter season is upon us and that means colder temperatures and increased moisture in the air. For wheelchair users, exposure to these elements can cause wheelchair rust and corrosion over time. If not well maintained, the performance and longevity of your wheelchair can potentially decrease at a faster rate.
Just like with a car, mechanical parts need to be well maintained to prevent rust, corrosion, and damage. If you or your loved one’s plan on using a wheelchair in the winter elements, here are 10 quick tips to help prevent rust and damage.
Following these tips could help to keep any wheelchair running smoothly all season long.

This is probably the most important tip to keep in mind as it plays a big role in the longevity of your wheelchair. In the winter, temperatures drop significantly, causing machinery to freeze and tire pressures to decrease. If not addressed quickly, these issues could result in rust and potential long-term damage. To help prevent this from happening to your wheelchair, try these storage hacks:

Store in a Dry Area. When your wheelchair is not in use, make it a habit to keep it stored in a dry and warm place indoors. Keeping it stored in a controlled environment will help to prevent moisture build-up which can lead to rust.

Invest in a Wheelchair Cover. If you can’t store your wheelchair indoors or in a controlled environment, then it’s recommended to get a wheelchair cover. These covers can help prevent the outside elements from getting into your wheelchair. By using a waterproof cover, you can shield your wheelchair from potential moisture exposure.

These tips will apply all year round as keeping your wheelchair clean will prolong the lifespan of your wheelchair. However, in the wintertime, extra precautions should be taken to protect your wheelchair. Below freezing temperatures, snow, sleet, and ice can potentially harm your wheelchair’s mechanical parts. These cleaning hacks should help you keep your wheelchair in tip top shape:

Clean and Dry After Each Use. If you use your wheelchair outside in the winter, be sure to wipe down all metal parts with a multi-surface cleaning spray and dry cloth. This includes wheel locks and the wheelchair frame in front of the seat cushion. If you have arm supports, push handles or removable foot supports, be sure to clean those as well. For power wheelchair users, be sure to wipe down the joystick and controls.

Keep Moving Parts Lubricated. While the winter can bring about cozy sweaters and hot chocolate, it also can bring out dry and freezing climates. These climates can be detrimental to your wheelchair because it can cause moving parts to dry out and freeze. To prevent wheelchair parts from drying out and corroding, regularly apply a silicone-based lubricant to axles, wheels, and other moving parts.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals. When cleaning your wheelchair be sure to avoid using cleaning agents that contain harsh chemicals. This includes de-icing solutions that contain rock salt and disinfecting solutions that contain bleach. Using these solutions on your wheelchair can accelerate rust and damage to its parts.

Remove Road Salt Residue. If you live in an area that frequently gets snow, and you use your wheelchair outside, then your wheelchair is probably exposed to a lot of road salt. While road salt is great for de-icing roads, it can be harmful to your wheelchair. After using your wheelchair outside, be sure to clean and remove any road salt residue from mechanical parts as it can accelerate rusting.

Inspect Wheelchair Regularly. Regularly check for rust and address rust issues as soon as possible by cleaning and applying a rust inhibitor if necessary.

In addition to cleaning and storing your wheelchair, it’s important to frequently check your wheelchair for potential safety hazards. While cleaning and storing your wheelchair in a safe place will help prolong the life of your chair, normal wear and tear still occurs and is unavoidable. To ensure your wheelchair is safely operable, check out these safety hacks:

Check Tires Before Use. If you have pneumonic tires (usually only seen on manual wheelchairs) then you’ll need to keep a close eye on your tire’s air pressure. It’s recommended to inflate tires at least once a month using a high-pressure system like those found at gas stations. If your tires are worn or damaged, then it’s time to replace them.

Charge Batteries Before Use. If you are a power chair user, you will need to keep an eye on your battery health. Always keep a full charge (if used regularly a full charge takes 8 to 14 hours a night) and frequently check for corrosion and battery health issues. When the battery is fully charged and your power chair is not in use, disconnect the battery from the charger to avoid overcharging.

Disconnect Power When Not in Use. Whether you have a power chair or power scooter, it’s important that once you are no longer using your equipment to turn off your equipment and remove the key from the ignition. This will help prevent damage to the key or power complications to your equipment.
As you navigate the winter season, be sure to stay warm, safe, and healthy. Don’t let your wheelchair disrupt you from living a happy and independent lifestyle. Follow these tips, stay informed, and always be prepared. When in doubt, reach out to the Rehab Medical team for assistance in maintaining the health of your wheelchair. It may even be time to upgrade your wheelchair!